Sex: the false myths of men between the sheets


Sex: The False Myths of Men Between the Sheets

  • Myth: Men always want sex. Desire varies widely.
  • Myth: Men can’t multitask sexually. Some can, some can’t, just like women.
  • Myth: Men only care about physical pleasure. Emotional connection matters to many.
  • Myth: Men are always ready for sex. Men need time to become aroused too.
  • Myth: Men can’t experience emotional pain related to sex. Emotional intimacy matters regardless of gender.
  • Myth: All men are sexually dominant. Many men enjoy a more balanced sexual dynamic.
  • Myth: All men perform in the same way. Sexual performance is varied and unique.

Source: 123 RF

False myths, men and sex

Well yes, sex is one of the most stereotyped the world. From contraception to the first time, from her orgasm to his performance: there are many, indeed a great many, the false myths Of relationships under the sheets. We want to start by debunking a few that relate to men. Are you ready to recreate yourselves?

Size does not matter

Often, especially among the very young and young-at-heart, it is thought that the penis size makes a difference and whether or not it promotes orgasm for her (or him in the case of same-sex relationships). In fact, there is no study or scientific data to confirm this rumor. Her orgasm can be facilitated by atmosphere, foreplay, care and attention to the body, but also by positions and other stimuli, which, however – mind you – are always very personal and change from woman to woman, from individual to individual.

To give some numbers, however, we can report the results of a survey conducted by the dating portal Big One Dating, for which 4,761 women commented on the ideal length for experiencing pleasure. According to the respondents, the optimal penis size for female orgasm is 20.32 centimeters (8 inches), appreciated by 44% of the participants who peaked with this length. It seems clear from the results, however, that it is not the length that makes the difference, as “only” about 30 percent of the women orgasmed with a 27.94-centimeter (11-inch) penis; and 26 percent enjoyed with 7.62 centimeters (3 inches).

Men crave more than women

False, false and untrue! It is enough to believe that men are more passionate and hot, and to lump everything together. Sexual desire is determined by a hormone, the testosterone, which commands the feeling of desire and libido. This hormone is wrongly associated with the male body because it is actually produced by the female body as well, albeit in smaller amounts, In the ovaries and adrenal glands.. Testosterone maintains stable mood, energy levels, and determines sex drive. Its production peaks, for both him and her, at the early morning, between 6:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m., and this seems to be the best time to have sex. If there is a difference, but we cannot reduce it to a gender issue, it lies in thoughts and the ability to get rid of them: sexuality and the achievement of orgasm need a free mind and-perhaps-some men are better able not to think too much during intercourse.


The ideal duration of sexual intercourse is also very personal and can depend on many factors that can vary over time. How about, for example, a unplanned escapade and unplanned on a lunch break or just before going out to dinner? Maybe it’s fleeting and quick but very enjoyable! Or times happen when you are very stressed and full of thoughts and the predisposition for sex is not the best. Even in these cases perhaps you get more satisfaction with more peaceful and reassuring relationships, than of long play and experimentation.

It is equally true, however, that there are some conditions that are real dysfunctions: we are talking about thepremature ejaculation (almost immediate) or delayed (when his orgasm takes a long time to come). These are dysfunctions that can undermine the relationship and the well-being of both him and his partner, who in the long run may feel inadequate and unable to be attractive. To give some numbers? On average, a sexual relationship lasts 6-7 minutes from the active push, but time contracts between 60 seconds and 2 minutes For men suffering from premature ejaculation, while dilating up to 30-45 minutes for those who have difficulty reaching orgasm. But never generalize, and above all, in sex, let’s leave the numbers alone and think about the quality.

Penetration to make people feel pleasure

Taste is taste, so it is also good to dispel the myth that non-penetrative intercourse is not pleasurable for her. On the contrary. L’outercourse is the non-penetrative sex, which sees the rediscovery of cuddling, bodies, games, taking the focus off the genitals, and likes it, a lot, more and more. It consists precisely of sexual activity without any kind of penetration, whether oral, vaginal or anal. It was often practiced in the past to avoid pregnancy, transmission of disease, or even to preserve virginity until marriage. If it causes pleasure? Very much so, and certainly non-penetration leaves more room for the freedom of expression and imagination to play and experiment with the whole body and all the senses.

Headlong on the clitoris

Attention dear boys, because while it is true that the clitoris is a nerve center for a woman’s body, it is equally true that throwing oneself headlong and urging her insistently can be counterproductive. More importantly: do you know what the clitoris looks like? In the common imagination it is shaped like a little button, about the size of a raisin more or less, and is protected at the junction of the two labia minora.

That little button, however, is only the tip of an iceberg, the outer part of a much larger musculature, which develops in an inverted Y shape inward from the pelvis, downward on each side of the vulva. Few and far between know this, but the clitoris is made of the same erectile tissue as the penis, and it becomes turgid when stimulated. It contains well 8 thousand nerve endings, 5 thousand in the head alone; while the glans of the penis has 3 thousand. Pleasure from clitoral stimulation is a widespread pleasure for women, very intense and extensive, but you have to go there cautiously, gently, without haste or voracity.

Instead, the advice for her is to guide her partner to know and vibrate her own body, without shame and aware of her own specificity and uniqueness.

Masturbating is not a problem

If your him masturbating is not a problem. Really. It is not a problem on a physical level, because it is false that masturbating weakens the spermatozoa or that it takes away the desire to have sex with a partner; and it is also false that a man masturbates because he does not get enough pleasure in bed with his partner. Indeed, just as with female masturbation, for men too, autoeroticism determines knowledge and awareness of self and this getting to know each other can only improve sex and the relationship as a couple as well, especially in the face of dysfunctions such as premature or delayed ejaculation. Let him have his own space to explore and take our own, without fear or judgment.

Lee Huxley

Lee Huxley

Lee Huxley is an internationally known confidence and dating coach with nearly a decade of experience. He is the successful author of several dating and confidence books that have helped thousands of men find incredible results that they didn’t even think was possible. While traveling the world Joe consistently finds new and valuable ways to meet and attract women that men everywhere can use immediately.

Joe has a Bachelor’s Degree in Multimedia Journalism from Bournemouth University and has been featured in many large publications including AskMen, TSB Magazine and Dumb Little Man.