Quick sex: all the benefits of the “quickie”


Quick Sex: All the Benefits of the “Quickie”

  • Stress Relief: Quickies release endorphins, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.
  • Boosts Confidence: Quick sex can increase self-esteem & body image positivity.
  • Fosters Intimacy: Even brief encounters can enhance connection & closeness with partner.
  • Easy to Fit In: Quickies are ideal for busy schedules, minimizing time commitment.
  • Improves Sleep: Sexual activity can induce sleepiness, promoting better sleep quality.
  • Can Improve Physical Health: Quickies can improve cardiovascular health & potentially burn calories.
  • Can Increase Libido: Regular sexual activity, including quickies, can increase sex drive.



Source: iStock

Sexual intercourse that is good for the relationship

During sexual intercourse, speed often rhymes with dissatisfaction–but is this really always the case? The answer is simple: not necessarily. It is not especially so if the rush and passion come suddenly and involve both partners: this is how the so-called “quickie,” the quick sex par excellence, is actually a great way to rekindle intimacy as a couple and, if done occasionally, becomes mega exciting for both partners in the couple.

Fast sex: but what is meant by it?

A “quickie” is defined as a sexual intercourse lasting only a few minutes, in which foreplay, cuddling or erotic games to increase pleasure are not included: a “quickie” is quick sex, which is characterized by great passion and arousal, practically sudden, on the part of both partners. It is not easy to quantify the minutes for it to be called “quickie” since each person, as well as each couple, is different and quantifies quick sex according to their own tastes and standards. However, as a general rule, we can assume that a “quickie” lasts very little, between 3 and 7 minutes. From what can be deduced? First of all, from the fleeting passion involving the couple, but mainly because a survey by the Society for Sex Therapy and Research found that the ideal sexual intercourse lasts around 10 minutes (between 7 and 13); consequently, the “quickie,” by the very role it plays of speed, should last less.

All the benefits (for him and her) of “quickie”

This type of sexual intercourse is uncontrollable, unrestrained, exciting: it is unthinkable to schedule it, as well as to control it. To do a “quickie” well, there is only one thing to do: follow instinct and passion and forget for a while, but without overdoing it, the rules of decency. Yes, because what makes a few minutes of sexual intercourse exciting is impulsiveness, which then can lead the couple, tending to have intercourse where sex is not allowed (such as in a club bathroom, in the office, outdoors) or in inappropriate places for the couple (to give a few examples: on the table while cooking, in the bathroom just out of the shower, or in the car).

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Fast sex is an erotic fantasy of many people (especially men), but there are some benefits “scientific” that this type of sexual intercourse has on the body:

  • Adrenaline: Increased heart rate, dizziness, agitation, are all states that are experienced when adrenaline is in circulation. They are usually felt when we experience threatening or agitating situations: specifically, having sex in places that are not appropriate for us can raise adrenaline, the thrill of danger.
  • Dopamine: is a neurotransmitter that regulates pleasure. Just as when we consume coffee or chocolate, we like it and would like more, likewise, it is produced during sexual intercourse. It is one of the hormones of happiness and seems to improve memory and concentration.
  • Oxytocin: is the hormone of love. Oxytocin increases desire and causes sexual arousal. During orgasm in both men and women it increases greatly and it is because of this substance that we experience a feeling of well-being.
  • Serotonin: regulates mood and emotions, reduces anxiety and increases good mood.

In addition, the “quickie” can be a real “lifesaver” for those suffering from performance anxiety. There are moments, quite normal, that can occur in the course of a person’s life; we load with anxiety and expectations a performance (in this case sexual) that does not contemplate failure, but which often, precisely because of this anxiety, comes true. We enter, thus, into a vortex of negativity from which it is not always easy to get out. Fast sex, being based precisely on the passion and rapidity of the moment, can be a good accomplice to curb this malaise and focus (for a few minutes) only on pleasure.

The 3 reasons to have a “quickie”

We don’t want to convince you to do anything you don’t want to experience, but here are 3 reasons why you should indulge in the “quickie” from time to time:

  • It ignites passion and awakens fellowship as a couple: To enjoy a “quickie,” partners will need to be very in tune and travel on the same wavelength.
  • Science says so: as we have seen, adrenaline, dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin increase, for different reasons, at the time of passionate and uncontrolled sexual intercourse such as a “quickie.” A good mood mix for better living the day (or evening).
  • Even without orgasm (for her): it is true, often the woman needs not only more time, but also more attention, games, diversity to reach orgasm. Although it is not impossible, the “quickie” can be pleasurable for a woman even without the achievement of orgasm: during such fast intercourse, what pleases the woman is that sense of transgression, passion and desire that involves her, together with her partner.

Beware, however! Passion does not mean irresponsibility: even during the “quickie” it is always recommended to use the condom To prevent sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. Using 10 seconds of quick sex time to put on the condom will not bring down libido or arousal in the moment.

When and how to have quick sex

Let’s turn to the practical aspect: how and when to have a “quickie”? As we saw at the beginning of our article, there are no rules to follow except to let go of the passion involving the two partners; every couple is different and will do the “quickie” in the places where passion itself will overwhelm them, but, there are small tricks to follow, if we want to call them that, to identify quick sex:

  • Short duration (a few minutes);
  • Instinctive and non-programmable;
  • Overwhelming intensity and passion;
  • Tended to be inappropriate times and places.

Another distinctive aspect of the “quickie” is that of remaining nearly clothed: this gives sexual intercourse something even more “forbidden” and emphasizes the speed of passion, which comes unstoppable and leaves no time even to undress.

Lee Huxley

Lee Huxley

Lee Huxley is an internationally known confidence and dating coach with nearly a decade of experience. He is the successful author of several dating and confidence books that have helped thousands of men find incredible results that they didn’t even think was possible. While traveling the world Joe consistently finds new and valuable ways to meet and attract women that men everywhere can use immediately.

Joe has a Bachelor’s Degree in Multimedia Journalism from Bournemouth University and has been featured in many large publications including AskMen, TSB Magazine and Dumb Little Man.