Does having sex lower blood pressure? Here’s what science says


Research suggests that sexual activity can have a positive effect on blood pressure. Studies have shown that regular sexual intercourse may help lower systolic blood pressure, which is the pressure in blood vessels when the heart beats. This effect is thought to be due to the release of oxytocin and endorphins during sexual activity, which can promote relaxation and reduce stress.

However, it’s important to note that the blood pressure-lowering effects of sex are generally short-term and comparable to other forms of mild to moderate exercise. While sex can contribute to overall cardiovascular health, it should not be considered a replacement for other blood pressure management strategies such as medication, diet, and regular exercise.

Some studies have also found that masturbation may have similar blood pressure-lowering effects as partnered sex. However, more research is needed to fully understand the long-term impacts of sexual activity on blood pressure regulation.

Sex is good for the heart, in every sense of the word. The hormones produced during sexual intercourse cause feelings of fulfillment and well-being, as well as attachment and empathy. But not only that. In fact, it seems that having constant intercourse is good for the heart, understood as an organ, and lowers blood pressure. It is always thanks to hormones, specifically oxytocin, which lowers stress and thus stabilizes blood pressure values, and physical training.

Too much stress for the heart?

It is said that having sex is as demanding on the heart as climbing two flights of stairs or taking a run to catch the bus. An’physical activity for all intents and purposes, with the benefits that this brings. Effort, yes, but not excessive. For that in general we can say that sex Is not risky to the heart and is rarely an actual danger to the health of those with hypertension. However; there is a though. In fact, hypertension could adversely affect performance and sexual satisfaction.

What happens during pleasure

During sexual intercourse, the heart rate increases significantly over the course and peaks with the climax of pleasure and orgasm. This, in healthy people, has a positive effect and keeps the heart muscle in constant exercise and lowers the risk of having to deal with problems affecting it by almost half. In fact, according to some studies regular sexual intercourse can reduce by 45 percent the risk of developing cardiovascular problems. In addition, a research conducted by Georgia State University monitored the values of the pressure of a sample of volunteers, noting that, in the days following sexual intercourse, they were lower than the about 13% (Similar results are achieved after taking diuretics, a common treatment for hypertension).

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When to pay attention

Obviously, increased respiratory and heart rate and blood pressure can be a problem for those who have already had cardiac episodes previously, in cases of heart failure or malignant or poorly controlled hypertension. In this case, minimal effort can be risky, and for maximum safety and peace of mind, it is most important to to consult with a physician to understand one’s health condition, and any risks and limitations.

High blood pressure and erection

If he has hypertension, he may have with time erectile dysfunction. Over the years, in fact, hypertension can damage the walls of blood vessels, leading to hardening and narrowing of the arteries. In this case, blood flow is reduced and reaches tissues with difficulty, including the penis. In sexuality this can frequently lead to difficulty in reaching and maintaining theerection. Generally, hypertension treatment prescribed by the doctor is sufficient. Good dialogue with the partner, without shame, is essential, because stress and performance anxiety only make things worse.

Female hypertension

The problem of hypertension related to women is much more recent and rare, occurring more frequently in menopause. It is not known how much is hormones and how much is hypertension, but women complain of decreased desire or arousal; vaginal dryness with discomfort and pain during intercourse; difficulty reaching orgasm. Again, it will be the opinion of an experienced physician to assess the problem and possible treatment.

All the benefits of sex

Sex is good, in fact great, and there are so many benefits on health, body and mood. By now it is well known that having satisfying sex consistently:

  • increases the immune defenses;
  • trains and strengthens the heart;
  • lowers the pressure;
  • alleviates the pain, thanks to the release of endorphins;
  • reduces the risk of prostate cancer (According to a study conducted by a scientific team active at National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, U.S.A., men who have 21 relationships per month run an approximately 30 percent lower risk of being diagnosed with the malignancy);
  • improves the quality of sleep And reduces stress;
  • improves the memory and increases productivity;
  • increases theself-esteem and general feeling of well-being.
Lee Huxley

Lee Huxley

Lee Huxley is an internationally known confidence and dating coach with nearly a decade of experience. He is the successful author of several dating and confidence books that have helped thousands of men find incredible results that they didn’t even think was possible. While traveling the world Joe consistently finds new and valuable ways to meet and attract women that men everywhere can use immediately.

Joe has a Bachelor’s Degree in Multimedia Journalism from Bournemouth University and has been featured in many large publications including AskMen, TSB Magazine and Dumb Little Man.